Dairy Herd Production Record Analysis
- Computer-assisted software program interpretation with the ability to get the full value from your Vermont or Northeast DHIA records.
- Dairy Comp 305
Reproduction Programs
- Traditional pregnancy diagnosis and individual cow infertility therapy.
- Ultrasound early pregnancy diagnosis
- Herd infertility work-ups
- Heat synchronization programs are modified and designed to fit the individual farm's needs
- Abortion storm diagnostics
Embryo Transfer
- Complete super-ovulation programs available with the ability to freeze and store domestic embryos
- Transfer of your purchased frozen embryos by 4-step or direct transfer methods
- Sales of frozen embryos from top-quality Vermont and Wisconsin dairy herds
Dairy Replacement Heifer Management
- Newborn health care
- Colostrum quality measurement and management
- Growth monitoring strategy
- Strategic De-worming Program designed for individual farms and age groups and timed to retrieve the largest economic gain
Milk Quality Evaluation
- SCC and Quality troubleshooting to improve milk check premiums
- Milking System Equipment Analysis (no parts or repairs!)
- Milking procedures and hygiene on-farm visits and work-up
- Milking personnel technique evaluation and education
- Individual cow mastitis clinical case culture for causative bacteria
- Feed Bunk Management
- Rumenocentesis procedure
- Ration Formulation troubleshooting which emphasizes a team approach that includes the Feed Company representative
- Body Condition Scoring
- Use of NEFA's (non-esterified fatty acids) and BHBA's (beta-hydroxy butyric acids) to identify transition/fresh cow issues
Dry Cow Management
- Transition Dry Cow Grouping Strategy development
- Body Condition Scoring on a monthly and/or weekly basis to prevent metabolic disease
- Anionic Salt feeding monitor by Urine pH testing
Cow Comfort
- Ventilation Evaluation
- New construction design assistance
- Proper individual stall design